Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

I think I've got my head stuck

Not sure if this sheep really had its head stuck or was just resting its chin - they are strange beasts

(further to yesterday's troubles) My Mobile phone is now able to make outgoing calls again after about 2 hours effort.

First I tried the Help and Support on EE website and thought I had solved it straight away  - The description of the problem seemed identical so I thought I would try the Solution -  No Luck.

So I phoned the support line and it asks for the mobile number - it said it didn't recognise it - type again - so I typed it again slowly and eventually it changed saying it was an Invalid number - so I got no further.

I Followed EE on Twitter and managed to get a response and exchange a few messages with someone who tried to help but in the end said it was very strange and I needed to contact the Tech team - I couldn't see how I was going to do that from my previous attempt. So I looked up where  where the nearest EE shop is ( that was open )  - not very far away so that was an option - though of course that should not really be necesary.

In the meantime I tried the EE web site again and found an online chat with EE support who couln't help with a solution   ( I think they only want to sell phones and contracts ) but he did help and gave me another number which obviously wanted to sell phones and contracts but after about 5 levels of pressing 2 or 3 or 1  I was eventually to choose to report a fault on the phone.  The tech guy could not have been more helpful and was honest straight away saying he had never come across this problem.

I could still receive messages so he hoped to send me an update for the phone to fix it  - I tested my phone send my sister SMS Text message and got a reply from her so that should work he said.

The message didn't arrive so ... 

We tried restarting my phone and selecting  the local T-Mobile 2G signal rather than 3G  -  I did note that I couldn't see any EE (Orange) signal listed but I do normally connect via T-Mobile 3G  near home.   But the EE Update message would not arrive. So he tried some special internal code with plenty of ## 11  22 **  and I tried to call that but it too gave an internal error.  Defeated he said the only way he could fix it for sure was to send a new SIM card.  I wasn't terribly bothered about waiting a couple of days so exhausted  I thanked him for all his efforts and said goodbye.

At this point England took 2 quick wickets in the Test match in India and for a few minutes a victory seemed possible   - No they failed to take all the wickets.  1st Test  a Draw ( No Result in the time )

20 minutes after I spoke to the Tech Guy at EE/Orange  my phone received the text message he sent probably 40 minutes earlier.

The phone worked after a restart so I made a call - I wonder when I will need to make another call.

All the time I was trying to deal with this the sun was shining and as soon as I got my shoes on the clouds rolled in and it became overcast.
I walked through the fields and the park to my Mum and Dad's house luckily all was OK there this morning.

If I could live through this morning again I wouldn't  :-)
or at least I would have gone for a walk in the sunshine and called about the phone later ( or tomorrow  or Tuesday !)

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