lookit where i found pink...
...even in a rehab hospital
go figure that - now will ya!
actually it's an easy thing - my precious mama & 1 of my brothers sent this wonderful - assortment of potted plants to me - included with them was a flowering plant which just so happened to be pink - not that any of the people involved had any clue whatsoever that - pink is one of my very favorite colors - nope not at all - it simply worked out that way - it's what makes the great working of the world so fabulous - and i decided to have some fun with my watercolor app - well, just because and do believe it turned out rather nicely
all in all, the day zipped by - i worked hard in therapy working muscles by riding a bike - doing some walking - trying to 'march' in place which sounds easy but really isn't - after this kind of surgery - now i am resting with ice - forgive me if i fall behind with commenting - i am trying hard to stay on top of things - but find myself very exhausted from little effort so i hope you'll understand - so much has happened between loss & dealing with grief - now coping with the healing process of surgery - i don't want anyone to feel left behind - but i also need to focus on me - so in the end it all leads to...
happy day.....
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