Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

I wish...

...that I had the power to eliminate just ONE word from our language.  That word would be "hate".  And, if I were granted that wish, I'd stipulate that it be eliminated in all languages, past and present.  I mean, think about it... do we really need to hate anything/anyone.  Can't we just dislike or disagree?  Every time I go to use that word, I am trying to stop myself and re-frame my words AND my attitude.    I realize that my actions won't change the world, but they'll make me feel better.  And I'll start by saying that I dislike canned green beans.  There, I've said it.  I don't hate them, but I sure do dislike them.  Idle ramblings...if you've managed to stay with me this long, thanks.

For the first time in a week or so, there were a couple of purple finches in the yard today.  Although I initially thought this was a female, I actually think it may be an immature male based on the faint wash of red on the neck/breast.  In either case, it allowed me to stand within 10 feet to get this shot.  Very little crop on this, and a small bit of exposure adjustment in Lightroom.  Makes for an easy blip.

I also faffed around with some focus stacking today.  My subjects were a chilly very chilly lady beetle who warmed up surprisingly fast once I brought her into the house for some photos; and the Tinies, who I caught tidying up after a coloring extravaganza.  

Hubs and I went out for lunch today then back home - me to potter a little outside and him to work in the office.  He just built a nice fire and poured us both a glass of wine, so I think I'll go curl up in front of the fireplace and read for a bit.  

Keep reminding foot in front of the other, step by step.


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