Night runner

While I was still living at the cottage in the middle of Kirkby Lonsdale, probably about a year ago, in fact, I bought myself a head lamp so that I could go running in the now darkened evenings. I only used it twice, though; whilst I found I didn't mind running in the dark, I hated the prospect of doing it. 

For the last couple of months, I've been trying to exercise - swim or run - every day and I've been doing pretty well, averaging five or six times a week. This week has been tricky, though, and I needed to run today. I could have gone out this afternoon but I wanted to get half a day in the office after a couple of meetings in the morning. So, I made a deal with myself: if I could find the headlamp (unlikely), I'd run this evening.

I thought it might be in a bag in the porch although things I've mislaid rarely turn out to be where I thought. Anyway, I started there and, blow me, there it was. There was a happy moment when I thought it was broken but it turned out that the batteries were just flat. 

In then end, then, I went out and did three and half miles. And once I was out of the door and trotting along, it was fine. And I felt great for the rest of the evening. 

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