...as idle as painted ship

Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.

No my exposure hasn't gone wonky, we're back in the 'misht' after more torrential rain . The wind has dropped and it all feels a bit odd but life goes on. This rather handsome two masted Ancient Mariner type vessel has just moored off the quay and the members of the Ahakista rowing club are doing their thing whatever the weather. I just hope the 'slimy things (that) crawl with legs upon the slimy sea.' are not out their too.

I've been for my two monthly trip across the mountain to the hairdresser and thankfully have come back restored and without a brown fringe like last time, so you are all spared my grumblings . Schull has had the worst of the weather and a deluge came down the street and into the shops two days ago. Nonethless it's packed with holiday makers and yachty types, all buying, browsing and eating. I have to confess I did indulge in a very refreshing cup of Earl Grey served in a vintage tea cup and a magnificent slice of frangipane tart at the local French patisserie. It was lashing outside, I was early for my appointment so what else could I do??

PS The play last night - very odd. It was done in cabaret style, all theatrical singing and melodrama, loosely based on ghostly tales. It was very well done but not really my thing. The little hall was packed though - the great and the good were there, including Mr Norton and 8 friends. Now where else could that happen!

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