Euxton Balshaw Lane

A few weeks ago, I arranged with Bob to go over and see him for a few drinks in Liverpool. At the time, I didn't realise that it would be just a couple of days after the American election and a day after the result but as soon as I heard Trump was President-elect, I was very glad I was going to see Bob today.

So, after a morning in the office, I drove down to have a quick lunch with the Minx after which she dropped me at the station (pictured) and I took the train across to Lime Street. Normally, I walk up to the Philharmonic to meet him but it was absolutely pouring with rain, so Bob kindly came and picked me up.

I can't remember the pubs we went to. The Cambridge, first, I think, and then maybe The Pen Factory, where Richard joined us. And then there was some Chinese food and more drinks in a snug behind a plain, black door. 

I can't really remember what we talked about but that's not unusual. We exchanged views on what would happen both in Brexit Britain and Trump's America. I don't think either of us (or Richard) think that either country has made a move for the better. (I can't get over the irony that those who will suffer the most make up a large proportion of the people who voted for these changes. Turkeys voting for Christmas, as they say.)

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