Better to light a candle

I have so far avoided commenting on the results of the US election. I haven't wanted to think too much about it, especially as I had put aside the past three days to reflect upon our recent trip and to get my life at home into some kind of order so that I can get back into the swing of "normal" activities next week.

But we don't live in a vacuum, and especially on Blip and Facebook I am aware that while some people may be delighted to have Donald Trump as their President-Elect, other friends, here and in America, are horrified and hurt by the prospect. I was pleased when our First Minister stood up in parliament and said that she could not condone his racism, hatred and misogyny - "Today is a moment for all of us who believe in tolerance and diversity to speak up for the values we hold dear".

But most of all, I'm noticing that once the first waves of disbelief and sadness have passed, many people are looking at the good things they see around them - not only the beautiful world we live in but the generosity and kindness of a lot of the people who live in it. By being the kind of people we would wish to meet, by being open and loving ourselves, we can make the world a better place.

Don't sit cursing the darkness - be the light :-)

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