Growing old disgracefully


It rained most of the day, which is just as well as it meant I ran out of excuses to do some much needed admin and I felt much better once it was completed. Spent quite a bit of time on the phone today, conducting phone tutorials and talking with perspective students. I am always inspired and humbled by these conversations and am convinced I am the one who benefits most.

When the rain stopped it got very hot - probably over 20 degrees, so I did not feel like working in the garden and had a little nap instead, until woken by the very welcome arrival of the roofers to repair some slates. Then out to the garden for a blip. I am very frustrated by trying to use my camera while my glasses are at the opticians having a new prescription fitted. The old reading glasses make every task more difficult than usual, and it is in photography that I feel it most. I need them on for camera settings, off to look through the viewfinder, on again to adjust focus, off again to check the viewfinder again...etc. Not till I see them on the big screen have a clue what the images are like - in this case they were rubbish, so I indulged in a little mucking about with this sunflower - well, if Vincent can get away with it, why not me?

Contact from an unexpected quarter with a suggestion for collaboration
Interesting request to do some work for a local school staff group
The 'medley of fresh chef picked home grown vegetables' we had with our fish for dinner

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