Just before starting the day, I was encouraged by blipper pal BrianH to check out the Melbourne coffee culture and linked a blip of his (sorry, I can't do same-I'm an inept iPad user) to this shop deep in a Melbourne transit tunnel. cup.of.truth Great coffee and vibe!
A busy day took us to the Victoria National Gallery of Art to see the opening day of a fantastic David Hockney exhibit, "David Hockney Current". Much of his new work is created on his iPhone and iPad using "Brushes". Check out this exhibit on their site.
After lunch we visited the southern hemisphere's largest market.
We then bought rush tickets to the Melbourne Symphony concert conducted by Andrew Litton. They performed the Dvorak Cello Concerto, Prokofiev #6, and Reznicek Overture to Donna Diana.
Tomorrow night is "footy"!
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