Anyone for tea?

I'm fairly sure I blipped one member of my old team several times during the last 18 months, so I think its only fair to now introduce my new team members, or at least one of them. Matthew is my team leader (poor Matthew I am sure some of you are thinking) but so far, we've jogged along, metaphorically speaking, pretty well I think. He has shown lots of patience with me, as I learn the Norfolk way of aggregations, plus he has persevered with training me on aspects of pensions I haven't dealt with before. He is, of course, one of the reasons I am enjoying my new job so much.

Today, he made tea! Remarkably, he did it with a smile, as his working week has been hampered by the lack of a working computer, and it would appear, the lack of a working IT department too! A very sore subject. So after 3 days without the appropriate pc access, and IT no closer to resolving the mystery, making tea was the one remaining job he could carry out. And a very good cup of tea it was too, much appreciated by his team. How his laptop hasn't been launched skyward I really don't know. So respect to you Matthew for staying so calm on the outside (whilst no doubt bubbling volcanically inside)

My day has had the regular number of hours in it, as has yours, but I'm sure my days go faster than everyone elses. Lunchtime a bit of Xmas shopping was good and generally my work satisfying. Home by 5.30 and out to Morrisons for the usual shop. Tomorrow is a long day for Mollie and Jon as they head to the NEC at Birmingham. I'll tell you more sunday, if there's anything to tell. Henry and I plan to go back in to the city for more Christmas shopping.

I've got an end of the week headache, so think I'm just going to chill out now. Looking forward to my Saturday lie in!

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