Flower Friday - Geraniums

I didn't have to look far for today's Flower Friday blip. My Mum-in-Law has a lovely pot of geraniums by her back door, next to a wall whose colour gave a suitable background. Non-blippers may of course have wondered why I suddenly lay down on the floor by the door, squinting through my camera eyepiece, but seasoned blippers would understand. The diffused sunlight coming through the glass roof of this little utility area was just right for a photo. This is almost Straight-Out-Of-Camera, with only a minimal amount of tweaks plus a gentle vignette and frame.

It's not a poppy but its calm beauty helps us to reflect this Armistice Day on the sacrifices made by so many young folk in the past. We need to continue to try to build the better world that they strove to make possible - I'm not sure that we're doing a very good job of that at the moment

The wonderful BikerBear Anni continues to host FF brilliantly - and I see that there's no "twist" this week   :-)

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