Room with a view

And what a view! Strange to think that I've been here well over 6 weeks now, and the countdown has started.

Weather here has improved immensely since July, and I now sleep with the windows open. And do I miss sleeping with an open window - temperatures and humidity at home are too much to keep the windows open, although it'll be better in the fall. Even if there is a bit of cold in the air, it's wonderful to just put another blanket and be warm underneath and have the crisp air to breathe.

Trouble is that since i've started opening my window at night, the temperatures haven't exactly been low. I mean, they aren't home temperatures, but it's just nice enough to come out of the shower and not instantly freeze to death.

The only thing that could be better (apart from being at home with the wife) is if the guy who puts the trash out in the morning could do it just a bit quieter! haha

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