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By PoWWow

The Beach

Doofs + Aaroon took us to paradise this evening.

We trekked for a little way high up into another forest. They were ladened with sacks full of ropes,helmets + climbing gadgets. We had a little clinkly bag with Connect4 in it. We arrived at the lagoon looking water just before the sun was about to leave it, and hesitated for around 30 seconds before leeeeeeeeaping into the furious currents and radiatingly refreshing depths. No matter how hard we swam, we'd stay in the same place. So we picked a nice bit that still swam in the sun and went about the teetering and tottering tiring technique to refresh our clammy selves. The boys hit a really hard route around 50ft high up the neighbouring rock face as the rest of us gawped up in awe at their defying gravity abilities and horizontal stances gradually enabling them to pivot their way up to the summit.

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