Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Here's one I made earlier...

It was in the mid-nineties when I first noticed big white daisies. Never thought much of them, regarded them as weed like until I saw some in France by the roadside near Sarlat. Enormous blossoms bouncing around on super-model legs, hundreds of them, swaying, fluttering in unison. I took a few pics and thought little more about it until I got back home.

One one dark January evening in 1988 I decided 'get my paints out' and have another go at oil painting. I'd dabbled for a year or so but lost interest and anyway I hated doing small canvases and then I remembered my daisy pics. An ideal subject for a big pic. I bought a 40x30 canvas, blew my brains out on a supply of brushes and new oils and brayed out a masterpiece.

To be honest it took a few weeks and though I was never satisfied with it and never believed it was finished my biggest admirer (wife) persuaded me to get it framed. And here it is. It was the last painting I ever did.

"Good move" I hear you muttering.

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