
I am still really upset and sad about the fact that Donald J. Trump will be our next president. I have been grieving all day about this and will continue to grieve for some time. He might surprise me and if he does I'll be delighted. But for now I have very little hope and a great deal of trepidation about his being our president.

The photograph above appeared in our local newspaper this morning. I took a picture of the page because I could hardly believe my eyes. I really don't want to be a fashion snob but... really? Somehow this photo doesn't do much to make me feel any better about the results of the election. Good grief!

The extra is the painting I started today in open studio. It is 12 inches square and the first of the series of bird paintings I'm planning. It still needs quite a bit of work. Here is the photo this painting is based on. I do think I am getting the gesture of the bird. Which as I think of it is a bit like the gesture of this gal. Hmmm.

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