An Expensive Bite

It all started on Halloween night. We had quite a few fun-size candy bars left, so I grabbed a handful and threw them in the freezer. That's how I like them.

So, late Friday night...I unwrapped one, and chomped down. Not good. If you know your teeth...I cracked old #12 right down the middle, and half of it was wiggling like a 5 year olds tooth.

Being Friday night, I had to wait until Tuesday to see my dentist. He took out the wiggly part, but he sent me to an oral surgeon to get the rest out. 2 numbing shots, a constant diet of nitrous oxide, and 45 minutes later...I had one less tooth.

I thought that was bad enough, but then came the hard part...taking out my wallet. 310 DOLLARS (and that didn't include my dentist.)

Sure, it was a good candy bar...but, there's NO WAY it was worth that much!!!

It's perhaps a half-truth...and I'm surely not a sleuth, but I would say that Baby Ruth...robbed me of my tooth.

It's bad that the Baby Ruth  took my tooth, because you see...I'm a l-o-n-g way from youth.

I need them all.

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