the colour green

By jukeys

a sad day

I checked my phone very early this morning and immediately broke into a cold sweat. Trump is the new US president. I spent the rest of the day looking far too much at social media and news sites. Thankfully only a couple of my Facebook friends seemed to be pleased about the Trump victory. How they can support a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, inexperienced buffoon i will never know. They say they wanted change and they've now got it...but at the hands of an egotistical, bully-boy TV personality! Crazy.

The silver lining to today's dark cloud was waking up to snow! Pierre and I took Coquine out in it this morning and she loved it - running about like a mad thing :)

Then Pierre had to set off for work; thankfully he made it as the roads were very bad.

Home for pizza and salad in front of the fire.

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