Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

White House Down

There's not much you can say about a day like today. Brexit and Trump are combining to make this an apocalyptically bad year. The forces of darkness are in the ascendant. I was amused when I met Pat and Jerry a few weeks ago in New York, but it just isn't funny any more.


I actually had a very good day in every other respect. Wednesday is my regular working from home day, so I get some respite from the M25. Monty had his ear surgery at long last and seems very content tonight. I fixed The Dizzle's curtain rail. Cooked supper. Collected my prescription. Did lots of work. Put some petrol in the car. Went to the dentist and got hacked to bits by a hygienist who was dressed as if she was on half time from a sixth form hockey match (bizarre). Felt focused and determined.

Three years ago today my most favourite, happiest, without hesitation I would say best ever blip. 9th November will always be famous for this in my book, and not for the election of a certain President of the United States...

Have a nice day.

PS I didn't really set fire to a dollar bill - that's a federal offence. It was all done with photoshop... 

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