Trying to rise above the crap.

There's really not a lot I can say today. It's the summer all over again, and the same question arises - how did this happen? It would appear democracy doesn't react well to the fight or flight reflex, and in each case it seems fear was the driving force that motivated the electorate.

Perhaps it's Loki, laughing as he cuts the cards and deals a stacked hand. Maybe we are moving into a new way of working, where experts and authorities are replaced by celebrities and rabble rousers. Could be the old ways are breaking down, are broken, and this is the child-birth pain of a new order.

Appropriately, on a walk from Weston Super Mud Mare to Uphill, we watched a few of these energetic fellows, trying to rise above the crappy coloured waters of the Bristol Channel. Rise above it all. Laugh. Be excellent.

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