A great day... almost...

Nervous but went to orientation with an open mind..
Passed the physical with flying colors (lost 37 pounds in 16 weeks) 
Took the drive test and at the end I was asked how long I had been a driver... After I said 22 years he said it has been awhile since someone had a perfect test..
Passed the backing test.
Passed the ethics test
Failed the sexual harassment test...

That last one surprised me because of how I was raised. I was told us older drivers commonly fail the first time because harassment was considered "part of the job" when I got in the industry.. There are so many little innuendos that I had no clue of. I used to deliver to many places that had stuff that isn't legal for those under 18 on full display.. Around the turn of the 21st century most of these places had gone away with a heavy crackdown and clean up of the industry. Today these places are a very rare exception not the rule.. 

A long 12 hour day today, another two long days to go..  Sorry about the photo. I spent 5 minutes outside when I got home, blipped and now going to relax a bit before getting up a 4 am again..

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