Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Feel the burn...

My day started with slight confusion. Yesterday I had nothing urgent planned for the morning and had hoped for a lie in, instead DM was up at 5.45am, Penny was up at 6.30am and as such I was reluctantly up at 7am. This morning I had Totstime; I was up at 6.45, got showered and dressed and attempted to get the girls up at 7.30am. DM, R&P all refused to wake up!! I tried cuddles, kisses, tickling, bribing and none of it would work! I finally got them up after 20 minutes.
We had fun at Totstime. DM was a little grumpy, I think the last few late nights and busy activities are getting on top of her.
Penny did really well at Totstime too, she managed to play and remember to use the toilet. I'm quietly confident that her potty training is successful - with the odd reminder ;o)
The girls had a quiet afternoon infront of the telly which gave me two hours of ironing time.
Peach has had to work late today, so I ended up having to talk all four girls to DM's gymnastics lesson. It was going well until both R&P needed the toilet and I'd forgotten Aj's baby-carrier! Not wanting to put her on the floor in the toilets, fortunately there was a familiar face at gymnastics and she kindly held on to Aj whilst I took the girls to the toilet!
Whilst I was at DM's gymnastics, I received what I thought to be an innocent text from a friend asking if I just liked to watch street dancing films or if I like to dance. I love watching street dancing films and I'd love to have the rhythm and confidence to dance like that, but I don't. It turns out that there was a purpose to her questioning! Tonight I have been to a street dance/zumba class! And as daunting as I thought it would be, I really enjoyed myself!!
Since getting pregnant with DM, I have never really pushed myself to diet or exercise. My excuse has always been that I plan to have more children and therefore didn't want to stress myself about my weight or size until I had finished giving birth. That time has come! I'm definitely happy with my wonderful family and after tonight, I feel confident that I can loose some tummy. I won't be dieting as I love my food, but I'm happy to exercise :o)
Watch this space ;o)

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