
By photosbyjon

Day 311 of 366 - The Inn that moved!

The image today was taken this afternoon in the Historic Spon Street area of Coventry City Centre. The view is of number 20-21 Spon Street. Currently empty this fine old building of two halves was originally the Green Dragon Inn located in Much Park Street, a different part of Coventry. The oldest part of this building is the rear section. This dates back to about 1450 and was used as the Hall of the Inn along with guest chambers. The front part of the building dates back to about the year 1500 and was a newer addition, built on the site of an earlier Hall house. The whole building was dismantled from its original location in 1972. It was rebuilt here in Spon Street in 1981-1982 as part of the ambitious Historic Townscape scheme for Spon Street.

The photo was taken using the app Cortex Camera on my iPhone 6.

First I used the app Handy Photo to edit the photo. I used the retouch feature to delete a couple of commercial bins from the side of the building, along with the TV aerial on the roof and a couple of alarm boxes and lights from the front of the building. I also used the same app to apply the Polarised filter to the image. Next I used the app Stackables to apply the formula called Seasons. I then used the app DistressedFX to add the Stirred overlay and the Lade texture. Finally I used PhotoToaster to add the Recover Highlights preset, the Drama FX and a Medium Dark Vignette. I then applied the Old Paper texture and the Antique frame.

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