Vote Tuesday!

The election of Hillary Clinton is an event I welcome for its historical importance, and greet with indescribable relief.

On every issue of consequence, including economic policy, the environment, and foreign affairs, Hillary Clinton is a distinctly capable candidate: experienced, serious, schooled, resilient.  If she is elected, she will have weathered a prolonged battle against a trash-talking, burn-it-to-the-ground, orange demagogue. 

Trump is manifestly unqualified and unfit for office. Trained in  real-estate promotion and reality television, he exhibits no interest or familiarity with policy. He favors conspiracy theory and fantasy.  He has never held office or otherwise served his country, never acceded to the authority of competing visions and democratic resolutions.

My fingers are crossed hoping for our first woman president.
Who ever you vote for Tuesday,  please vote.

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