Life In Wales

By KarenC

A day in Paris

Mum and I had a day trip to Paris today. It was a wonderful day, we saw so much and covered a vast area.

We took the Thalys from Brussels Midi which only takes about an hour and 20 minutes, and our first port of call was the Sacre Coeur and Montmartre. From there we headed across to the left bank and visited the Palais du Luxembourg and the beautiful gardens.

We found a lovely brasserie for lunch in front of the Sorbonne University. It is such a beautiful building and I chose this as my blip. I love the way the two children are sat paddling their feet in the fountain - it really depicts the lovely hot sunny day it was.

From there we visited the Pantheon which is somewhere my Dad wanted to see. Sadly he didn't make it, but we went to see it for him, and we're so glad we did - it's a very impressive place.

Then we walked back over to the right bank and along the Seine where they have created an artificial beach for the summer months. It was very busy due to the exceptional weather!

We didn't get home until late, so I will catch up on all your blips tomorrow. I think I'll sleep well tonight!

If you're interested you can see some more pics in my blipfolio

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