
By mrsc48

Bitts Park

We've had the annual oohs and arghs, aws and wows at the village bonfire and fireworks display.

Another beautiful array of colours and bangs.

There were laughter and tears.

But we must still remember those who do not share our joy in the bangs, cracks, wooshes and screams of the fireworks. To some they do not hear fireworks, particularly our war heroes of what ever age and more latterly not the just war heroes but young children caught up in civil wars that they have no control or understanding of, they may hear gun shots.

I'm not suggesting we forget fireworks they bring a lot of joy especially to me but just to spare a thought for those not as lucky or privalaged as we might be.

And for the pyrotechnic! Who organised, arranged, choreographed, syncronised last nights event, very well done, a splendid show, I do hope its allowed next year and you will be allowed to perform again.

In my opinion, always better than Bitts Park.

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