Guess my sandwich ....
At the end of Brother and Sister in laws wedding it was decided that we would do a unique take on Sunday lunch ... each person including Sellotape head and laughing Soph ( she laughs all the time ... ) would bring a sandwich and the others must guess what exactly went in it and then it was scored at the end ... what larks this was !!! Everything was delicious EXCEPT stupid B.I.L put that bastard muck marmite into one of his concoctions !!! AND in another a dead Bambi ... my little SIL won with something that was really really lovely but I'm not entirely sure what it was now .. it involved a frying pan though ... Sellotape boy (so named as he Sellotaped his ears to his hair ) did a show stopper of delight but according to Lucy it was disgusting and healthy .... she likes lard.
I've left out Mr W and laughing chops as they didn't win but they were nice but I'm bored of typing .....
Oh and the blip is me leaving my special scent about the place .....
Then they all died.. I mean went home ....
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