It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK


It’s been a good weekend down in Manchester. I travelled down on Friday, cleared the pile of mail and visited old neighbours Ian and Andrea. Then it was off to the Marriot for a British Cycling coach educator meeting.
I joked with the receptionist about my room being the Presidential Suite and somehow found myself in a massive one with a Chez Longue, a massive TV and very large bed! My 1st ever job was a YTS as a hotel dogs body so I’m always extra nice to staff. It’s a hard gig and all the staff were delightful. Genuinely friendly rather than a corporate façade.
It was good to see my old workmates and weird to be on the opposite side of the fence. Vinny has put together a nice new team. I really enjoyed the strength and conditioning stuff…. It was really contextualised within the sport, fitted my philosophy of what it should be and I learnt a few things that I’ll apply.
We had a good dinner in the evening, a few small libations and I was a bit surprised with myself that I stayed up until 2am! This left me quite sleepy for the day! Then it was time to travel back home. I popped into North Tea for an amazing ‘on the house’ espresso! It was great to see Wayne and Jayne, who have a new baby called Reuben! What a delightful wee baby… all smiles and scarily looking like an in-between W&J.

Awe naw…. It was a bit of a rush to catch my train at Victoria!     

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