Learning day by day

By EmmaF

"Please may I 'ave some ballet shooes?"

Richard, Coll, Jacob and Toby left earlyish this morning to drive to Foxton to get the train to London for the day. Carys had another day with N&P, we (William and I) went to the gym and then home for lunch.

After lunch we went into town and William confidently walked into the dance shop and asked the lady (who was old enough to be his Grandmother), "Please may I 'ave some ballet shooes?" "What colour would you like?" "Bwown peese" "Would you rather have black?" "Oh yes peese."

She didn't have any black shoes small enough and was aware enough to see his face when she tried on the pink shoes to size them and said "Don't worry, these are girls shoes but I need to try them on so I can get black shoes the right size for you" " Ok I am a boy, not a girl, but I 'ave got pink socks on?" (she had put pink ballet socks on to try the shoes). Needless to say he had both the shopkeeper and everyone in the shop in hysterics and I heard a number of people say, 'Isn't he cute?'

Once home, with the promise of ballet shoes after the holidays, we went out to the back field to play 'kickball', more commonly known as football. He would play for hours. I don't think my boy will end up being a ballet dancer (not that I would mind if he did) but I do think he will benefit in so many ways from having ballet classes and it will also be really cute to see both him and Carys in the Christmas show this year.

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