Not happy . . .

Poor Ollie watched me putting on my coat and boots, picking up my bag and retreated to the top of the stairs, not happy one little bit.  As I get to the car he is staring out of the upstairs window, watching with despair as I drive away.  

Why do I feel so guilty?  He is not alone.  Mike is with him. He can go out to the shed with Mike, they can spend the day together, but Ollie is not impressed.  He's a mammy's boy, and no mistake!  

The jumble and book sale went really well, and the cafe did a roaring trade selling hot soup, cakes and puddings.  The bitter wind and sleet showers helped!  Came home with clothes for me, books for Mike, a few bits and pieces and two raffle prizes.  Sadly not the gin, whisky or wine, but a box of biscuits and a tub of Quality Street so not to be sniffed at!  All in all a good day, though perhaps not for Ollie, although he did deign to go for a walk with Mike along the village between the showers!

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