Leya's studio.

What a treat it was to have a visit to her studio......what an amazing space it is!   I took lots of images down there.....trying to get the sense of abundance...she is so prolific.  

Her paintings have such depth, which she achieves with the layers of oil paint....not using a brush but using these huge bars of oil paint!

We headed out around 10 am to go for a short shopping spree...we were both still feeling pretty bad - but i couldn't pass up an opportunity to shop at Costcos....she has a membership!   So i came home with all sorts of lovely goodies.

The drive home was good....listened to my book on cd the whole way....wow, 3 1/2 hours of storytelling!!    I had a great time away, but it is always so wonderful to be home again!

leg is feeling a bit better!!!

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