
By ash987

10,000 maniacs?

The Leeds Abbey Dash is here again, and this is a small sample of the 10,000 runners as we lined up for the start - didn't notice the cross looking guy staring straight into the lens!

A cold, cold morning (though not frosty) turned into an on-off drizzly day as we pounded the 10k up to Kirkstall Abbey and back. An amazing feat of achievement, I watched the people cross over the finish line; ecstasy, pain, determination, elation, and relief were all evident.

I did better than 2 years ago, but not as well as last year, and far from my best time a few years ago. I think I get complacent and think yes, this'll be easy. But it never is. I nearly broke my own record of every km being slower than the previous, but fowled this up as I upped the pace on the last 2k.

There's always next year!!

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