Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

South by east

Day 16 and I am half way round the 32 points of the Compass. Each day I draw a line on the map from Glossop Town Centre using the next compass point in the sequence. Then I take a photo somewhere along that line and in the that same direction.

Today's line passes straight through the well at Whitfield Cross so that made the photo selection easy. The L shaped structure around the well is said to be 18c but was restored in 20c (source: British listed buildings)

Actually taking an interesting photograph in bright sunlight with a strong shadow was a little more challenging. A large van parked in just the wrong place blocked a possible wide shot from a good high vantage point across the road. I took a close up of the trough itself which was ok but did not really record the scene. I waited for the sun to disappear behind a cloud but the stone scene looked flattened after seeing it in sun.

I then waited for a while until the shadow moved to in effect point to the covered water trough. Although I fail to show the full L shape I'm still pleased with the result.

As I left a young couple looked pleased to see me leave  - they had been waiting to go and sit on the seat. A harden photographer would have asked to take the photo with them included, I left them in peace.

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