Remembering Daddy.......

........5 Years in Heaven today.

Every time I see Fireworks, I think of Daddy who went to Heaven on one.

Im not keen on organised displays and didnt have a willing helper for Sparkler vs camera fun in the garden so I asked Mr W to take me to Epsom Downs hoping we could sit in the car and watch fireworks for miles and miles. But everyone and their Brother had the same idea and so couldnt get a decent parking spot. So off we trotted across the field with a picnic blanket and a tripod but really my camera wasnt up to the job and Mr W wasnt dressed for the arctic conditions and spend the whole time moaning about the cold so we hot footed it to the Motorway services at Cobham for a slap up meal.

However, my plan for today was to stay in my PJs as I was so desperate for a lazy day off and stay in PJ's I did. So we ate curry, watched Strictly, I sat in my PJ's....all in the motorway Services!

So not quite the day I had planned, all a bit random but I did what I did for my Daddy. And thank you to Mr W for trying!


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