Fox & Weasel

Not the name of our local pub, but a picture of our son Chris and Yeovil manager, Darren Way.

Chris had entered and won online competition on the Club's website. The prize was a pair of boots, signed by Yeovil midfielder, Kevin Dawson, which Darren is presenting here to Chris before this afternoon's FA Cup tie at home to Solihull Moors.

Ironically, with Yeovil winning comfortably 2-0 early in the 2nd half, Kevin Dawson was sent off and Solihull scored twice in quick succession to earn a draw.

Kevin Dawson has now been booked 11 times and sent off twice already this season; let's just say he can get a bit over-excited when it comes to tackling!

Just to explain the title, Darren's nickname is Weasel: as a player he had a reputation for being a nippy, ferocious competitor and a thorough nuisance to the opposition.

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