Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Cedar Waxwing - YardBird # 61

I'm kind of surprised that I hadn't yet blipped a Cedar Waxwing as they are common visitors in our yard in the spring and fall, when they feast on berries.  Common though they may be at those times of the year, it is still a thrill to hear their distinctive high, thin zeeee call and to catch the flash of wings and tail as they gobble berries.  I caught a small flock of young waxwings in a patch of pokeweed next to the deck and was able to get off a fwe shots before they all flew off.  This photo isn't all that sharp, but it was the best and most interesting of the lot - good enough for today.  

Meanwhile, Scoobie is still aghast at the election rhetoric in the US while the Tufted Titmice are just wondering when it will all be over.  

Hubs arrived home last night around 9:30 - can't tell you how good it was to wrap my arms around him.  We've spent today doing a few errands, but mostly just letting him decompress a bit.  We managed to get over to the Board of Elections this morning and cast our ballots ahead of Tuesday's election, so we won't have to deal with lines on the 8th. I'm dreading the outcome of this election because, no matter who wins, there are going to be a whole bunch of unhappy people who will find it necessary to show their displeasure in all kinds of unpleasant ways. I confess that I don't have the stomach for it right now.

I was trying to catch up with some of the people here on Blip and was devastated to learn that RedFlash had a terrible loss this week.  My heart goes out to her.  Seems like it has been such a sad week for so many.  Don't forget to tell your loved ones how you feel about them - life is uncertain.



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