Roma-ing around

Had a really good morning in the café, trawling the local papers and internet for news on what's happening in Sa Penya, no-one seems to know really...found a potentially encouraging article saying that the evicted homes which are being renovated & supposedly becoming luxury homes, are actually destined to become social housing... Who knows what this could mean for the Roma still living there...but I felt hopeful that the aim is no longer to just make loads and loads of money. I read this on a Roma site today, talking about the thousands (of Roma) that were killed during WW11...
Remember, it didn't start with gas chambers, it started with politicians dividing the people, "us vs them". It started with intolerance and hate speech, and when people stopped caring, became desensitized, mindlessly obedient and turned a blind eye.
Praying that Danny & I can have a role here that brings people together and bridges gaps.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha's excitement re going on a school trip in her sparkly wellies. It's the little things! ;-)
2) A drink with Joha whilst Asha & Isabel went to a trial 'reading class' (which Asha loved).
3) Emails from friends.

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