Wasdale (Day 542)

Today has been manic.
A wander up the hill, then a trip into town to buy a new washing machine, home briefly to plumb in the washing machine and out again to dump the old one, attempt to visit a friend, collect Evie the wonderdog, take my beautiful wife in to town for a course, walk three dogs at Wasdale.... The walk was all going very nicely until I got a call from a customer saying the part I had fitted to their boiler on Tuesday had failed. Humph!
I was home long enough to feed the dogs, then off to town to collect HV, then out to look at the boiler. I couldn't believe that the part had failed and a few checks showed up the real cause of the problem - the flue was blocked because they haven't been keeping up to date with cleaning. There were a couple of other problems to sort out, and after 4 hours I got the boiler started and zoomed home.
An evening on the sofa sounds like a good plan now....

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