
Our bird feeders have been really busy this year and positively frantic at times in the past few weeks.  I have to fill them up every two days.  

There is a large group of Goldfinches that come at about the same time each day.  Today about 10 arrived simultaneously which caused problems as this feeder only has 3 perches and the other one is usually occupied by Blue Tits.  

As a result there was an almighty fight which had abated by the time I grabbed my camera.   

It's fascinating watching the behaviour of the different species.  The Blue Tits generally grab and go while the Finches sit there for some time looking around and discarding seeds they don't like onto the ground (where pigeons gather to clean up).  There are also a couple of Robins that have territorial scraps from time to time.

I'm hopeless with bird identification but I am slowly learning the common ones.

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