Well, well, well... what a few days...

Monday: Went to get my IGCSE results and was so dissapointed (more of that tomorrow with results)
It was also my first day at ''work'' at a tattoo shop, pff...

Tuesday: My ''second'' day. Basically my friend needed someone to where she does and I said yeah alright i'll try it out. Already by the second day they wanted me to get a contract and I told here '' Listen I don't think this is for me, I don't want to come back tomorrow'' what does she do? starts shouting and pressurising me so I just said ''Fine i'll come tomorrow''.

Wednesday: I hated it, it's not my thing, first of all I hate Magaluf and the people there, I had no interest in it and start school in about two weeks and just want to start fresh. So I called up last night and I was going to say I don't mind coming in and helping out till they find someone new, but she shouted and hang up on me. Then she called me back and told me to tell her boss I wasn't coming back and I tried to say the same thing to him but he hand up on me, right fine... THEN she calls me back starts shouting at me and hangs up for the third time, well whatever, and I was trying to say I would come in.

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