How Many Faces Can You See?

I can see 3.
2 are quite obvious (I think) but the 3rd ..... not so much.

They say "The Walls Have Ears"  
If they have the ears that might explain why this guy hasn't heard that Halloween is over.

I nearly got the water droplets on a leaf today. I certainly didn't get a dog's tongue in my ear when I was taking it (as happened the other day).

It is strange why a leaf group half way down a branch should change colour so dramatically when the rest on either side stay green.

I tried to get this shot the other day. In fact I may have done .... but I shall never know because later in the day I took the memory card and put it into another camera (as I have done before with no problem) which then proceeded to overwrite the images I had taken. I tried to download a recovery program to see if they were still there but there was obviously a glitch in the download and despite a phone call from a very nice man at Sandisc to see if everything had worked, I haven't tried to redo it -- there were only half a dozen shots or so and not of them had startling subject matter.

I am pleased to say that SWMBO would appear to have no lasting ill effects from her fall yesterday so I will put it down to shear clumsiness.

This evening I went out to a talk by the landscape photographer Colin Prior.
I was picking up another camera club member from Kirknewton and got stuck in traffic at the level crossing. After 15 minutes I managed to extricate myself and go the long way round to get him - although I had to park down the road a bit and walk up to get him as there appeared to be two drivers going in opposite directions  on the narrow road, neither of whom would give way which resulted in the road being blocked (no idea what the problem on the railway was!).
When we got to the City Bypass it was stationary traffic as far as the eye could see so we had another fairly major diversion.
By the time we got to the venue in Penicuik the talk had started. And what a talk it was!
The man was showing us pictures of the sort I take every day and called them landscapes in miniature ..... the sort of shot that would get murdered in a club competition - You know the kind of thing!
Mind you, it gives credence to my addiction for leaf and feather shots.

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