Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Arthur our cat.

Arthur is a fine spirited cat with a superb loving , intelligent nature.
He sadly was sick this morning, maybe due to eating too quickly the chicken I gave him for his breakfast.
I am upset he suffered and he is now a little subdued but in good spirit and happy once more.

Today my dear daughter Maria received her AS Level results and was so glad to have achieved these results.
I hope if she reads this she will know I am sharing this with fellow blippers because it represented team spirit and commitment to Higher study. The teachers and all the team deserve to feel proud of their results.
Maria's results are:
Geography A, Sociology A, English Language A, English Literature A, and Critical Thinking C.
The weather Was so warm and sunny and many white clouds were in the sky as we returned home.
Maria made some great pancakes as a way to celebrate the AS level results.
Thank you St. Mary's!

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