Felt so Fabulous

A dear friend and fellow blipper, who incidentally got me into blip, hand crafts all these wonderful things from felt and sells them at craft fairs or directly to you. Last week she had 200 'likes' on her FB page so to celebrate she picked someone at random to receive some of her lovely goodies. I was delighted that I was one of two chosen as a winner. Yesterday I received my little package of delights with a lovely little card. They are fab and she is one talented lady!! Please do take a look at Rhubarrb (blip name) 'Felt so Fabulous' page on FB. Thank you R xx

Now my redundancy period is over, I can tell you that I will be working at my friends school as a supply TA. Thursday pm and all day Friday along with any other odd days needed. They offered me a 1:1 support for a little boy which I declined but the supply gives me the flexibility if I want to go away, visit my parents or just have a day off lol. All good so far ;-))

Right, I had better go and get ready. Have a good day.

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