
By pennipics

Snoozing cat

Spotted this cat a local Tom as I was getting into the car.
There are three regulars that invade the car park and the garden, mostly Toms!

Its strange most have a collar on so why don't the owners get them neutered, they don't seem to catch any birds and there's lots of them; just lazy around doing very little.

This one is abit scruffy and does look like a full Tom the other two I've seen look far more respectable.

Think the stress of the movehas caught up with me now my BP is rediculous, the locum doctor has had all my normal yearly bloods done....again.
They were done in April at the old surgery, but only one has to be redone in three weeks suspect I know which one.

My solicitor has finally returned from her holidays and presented me with four questions that in my view I should have been asked about when I first started this.
As you can imagine that has done nothing for my BP or temper.
The buyers are desperate to move in, or at least the woman is, think she might be in danger of doing some damage if not seems they have decided to live seperately...make of that what you will.
Her son is buying the flat that her husband was going to buy (he's having to pay more than mine) property in that area is selling resonably fast it seems.

I'm having a party at the end of the month to celebrate my 70th if I actually get to it! I blame Madge and Patsy for mentioning this to me in front of a couple of the residents.
Another thing I could do without just now, however have found local caterer's to take charge of the food, the drinks Mo and Roy my neighbours are helping me sort out. I found a childrens 'Party' CD on Amazon which has the 'Hokey Pokey' and the 'Birdie' song on it plenty of others like 'yellow Submarine' so that should get everyone going a bit......I hope.

Cheers for now Penny.

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