It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann


On this day in 1977 Elvis Aaron Presley passed away on the toilet in gold lamé pyjamas.

Had this occurred in the last 5 years fingers would have been pointed at his medical practitioner in much the same way as with Michael Jackson, but sadly for Elvis' family it was just recorded as heart failure...

I love Elvis, despite being only 3 when he died. The long suffering mr mc agreed that a part of our honeymoon to the USA could be spent in Memphis. It was the best 3 days of the entire holiday. We visited Graceland, Sun Studios (where the guide proudly announced that Sam Phillips, who founded the legendary studios, still lives in Memphis. The great man died 2 days later. I suppose the guides will have adjusted their speech to say that he lived in Memphis right till the end!

So Elvis, I hope you found peace wherever you are and that you know just how much your wonderful music means to us all here.

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