Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


I had such fun this morning.  Having found out that the shire horses would be accessible, I caught a bus to Chawton and went to visit them.  The two ladies who look after them were immensely kind and let me photograph the horses eating from their haynets in the stable yard and also to go into the field where a pair were grazing. They told me a lot about the horses and their lives.

This is Roy, or Royston, for sure a gentle giant.  I also blipped Isaac, Summer and Speedy.  Lovely animals!

And I had another glimpse of the rescue chickens.  In Extras is a quick shot of Colin the Cockerell, a rescue Chinese silkie.  I thought he was hilarious.

Now I am well aware I have catching up to do on your journals.  Many apologies, I shall get stuck in immediately.  Thank you so much for your constant support  xx

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