Cromhall Diving Lake

Lazy day post nights and the headed off to Cromhall Diving Lake for my 4th tri of the year.

It was quite windy during the swim a bit of chop and a few mouthfuls of water. Was pleased with my bike, the route was a three lap course and it was taking me 15mins per lap. Typically there was a head wind up the hills :(

Felt good on the two lap run and finished with a bit of a sprint! In total 750m swim, 18.5km bike and 4km run, just waiting for my times to be published!

I look back to last year and realise the training has paid off I have come so far. From last July I was struggling with a 400m pool swim and couldn't run 5km without stopping. Now I'm doing 750m crawl in open water, bike times improving and full of running at the end if my 5km.
Where will I be in a years time? :)

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