Anywhere in New Zealand

This week blast's challenge word is stamp. I was putting stamps on the envelopes the other day, and noticed that the scene in this stamp could not only be almost anywhere in New Zealand, without the children sitting on the beach it could be one of my pictures at Snells Beach.

The Kiwi Stamp has no specific value. It will always be enough for a standard letter. Two for Fast Post. Three for Australia, and so on. If the current price is more than was paid for the stamp, it doesn't matter.

I had a go at getting this picture before sunset (which gave me some nice shots again), and then found that I hadn't focussed very well. So this one was taken with the desk light on, making it very yellow. So I decided that I would have a look at some tweaking. Increased the exposure, adjusted the balance, and increased the contrast. Not perfect, but more like the actual stamp. And it seems that the EXIF data have not been removed.

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