Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Dragon flight

Another slow day with not much fighting to get on to the blip screen. I captured a couple of repeat shots, yet another mantis, this time eyeing up a moth for lunch. A green Sabina dragon chowing on another green Sabina. Actually, I thought I had gotten lucky and witnessed the start of the mating ritual, until the head of one of them fell off! I didn't get any decent shots as the diner flew deeper into the paddy field with his lunch.

The golden orb weaver spider was still chowing on the dragon that it caught yesterday, well, you have to pace yourself with a forty pound beef burger.

I tried some static bush watching to try and force out a blip. This idea almost paid off with more mantis shots and a large jumping spider which was just too far away for a decent image. Bush watching takes faith and patience, but it is surprising what comes to light.

I finished up on the paddy bank (where I fell in a few days ago) and tried for a bee shot or a bird shot. Nothing was happening, so I took some freehand dragon flight shots, of which I like this one the best. Not a great day but happy with the result in the end.


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