A Thorny Point.......

I knew I was going to be taking the big camera out with me on my lunchtime walk, so after my morning walk when I took a dozen or so shots, I swapped the card into the big camera ................. and now the morning shots can't be read.
I tried downloading a file recovery program and it isn't playing.
There are no amazing, prizewinning shots but it is annoying none the less.

The monsters have been horrible today - whining, shouting and not doing as they are told ......... and refusing to speak to me.
No doubt they will be little angels tomorrow.

Leaves, leaves and more leaves - one of which got me a lick in the ear from a wet tongued dog (Yuck!) - and grass ... and a web.
Don't forget the feather!

I will quiz you all later as to what the unnamed picture is.

On Your Marks.......

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