
I think I've blipped Woody before, he's our resident wood pigeon who made a nest in our hedge.  He's looking rather puffed up today, but it was rather windy!

Tuesdays are my late shift at work, covering reception from 2pm - 8pm which is quite nice as I feel I have most of the day to myself - the down side is that I don't get home until 8.30pm, so my night is very short, but I'm really enjoying the job so I don't mind.

I was in the swimming pool at 8am and home for 9.30am because I had a telephone consultation with the Family History team at the Park Centre for Breast Care.  I've asked for genetic testing to be carried out due to my family history of breast cancer, and naturally I'm concerned about my girls.  So my oncologist referred me and the first stage is a telephone consultation to go through my family history.  Whilst the lady who conducted the consultation doesn't think my cancer is likely to be due to the BRCA gene, because there are four of us on my maternal line that have suffered, she has said that she will refer me to Guys Hospital in London and she's pretty confident that they will offer me an appointment.

I understand that they can't test everyone and they have certain algorithms that they use, so I'm pleased that I've got through the first stage.  One positive outcome is that Rachel will be eligible for annual screening once she reaches 40 years of age, even if they turn me down for the test, or if I am tested and am found not to be carrying the gene.

The weather today has been very strange, it was really sunny and warm this morning and after my telephone call, I went out for a walk with the boys.  I set out with my sunglasses on and felt warm and half way into the walk the fog started to role in and the temperature suddenly dropped.  By the time I was going to work it felt like winter - such a change from yesterday!

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